Beauty Breaks: Session 8, Galvanize | Photos

Beauty Breaks: Session 8, Galvanize | August 27, 2016
Facilitators: Amina Ross, AJ McClenon & Adrienne Deeble
Galvanize is to enliven, awaken and to electrify. Amina Ross went through the many meanings of what is means to galvanize, including the electrical charging that Sunday’s new moon brought along. After thoughtful discussions about the physicalness and spiritual uplifting that comes along with sharing energy within a much needed space, Amina led us in a salt meditation ritual. We all gathered around an abundantly salt water filled four-foot glass cylinder to be used for ritual cleansing. Within a circle there is a non-chronological wholeness, breaking lines of hierarchy. Within this circle we set free what may have been binding us throughout the week and any thoughts that have been harboring a lack of mercy on our spirits. Through the soothing guidance of Amina’s voice we then set intentions on this new moon to electrify our groundings to lift and balance us for the days to come.
As we all became grounded and electrified, we were ready to receive offered tarot readings from multi-talented and Chicago born Alia Ra’naa Walston. Participants had the option to speak with Alia about developing healthy habits with and examination of circular life cycles - life, death and resurrection.
As the sun began to set we came back together. Those who received readings from Alia spoke of her thoroughness and warmth. Those who took time to meet new people and eat came back full but we all came back ready. We gathered for a meditative sound bath led by Adrienne Deeble on the electric guitar and AJ McClenon on the piano. One medical definition of galvanize is to stimulate or treat muscles or nerves with induced direct current. To prepare for the sound bath, many laid on the floor on their backs with their hearts towards the new moon. The reverberation of sound carried through the F4F attic space, through our muscles and thoughts. The sound progressed in speed and loudness as we all gravitated into deep meditation.